Adapting brands to the Chinese market
There is much talk about China. Often with admiration, sometimes with fear of the unknown. The oriental market stands for enormous economic growth, opportunities and risks. Many companies are trading with China and Korea, or have their goods produced there.
For brand builders and entrepeneurs, the Far East offers surprising new questions and perspectives. What should I know before even making contact with a Chinese company? How will the Chinese pronounce the brand name, and will they give it the same meaning? What is the best possible way to adapt my brand to the Chinese market? Can the existing logo be used? How is a brand protected by the Chinese law?
To provide insight in these and more subjects, Globrands and Chiever organize an expert meeting called "The Oriental Challenge", aimed at international decision makers.
The China Challenge
expert meeting
March 31 2011
Het Koetshuis
Nyenrode Business University
Straatweg 25
3621 BG Breukelen
+31 (0)20 - 623 85 55
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